Climate and Sustainability

The Climate and Sustainability Community

The AASLH Climate and Sustainability Community is sponsored by Lyrasis.

The purpose of the Climate and Sustainability Committee is to survey current and needed practice to make recommendations to the AASLH Council on how to support and guide the field as it incorporates environmental sustainability and climate work, internally and externally, to reflect standards of responsible stewardship.

If you are looking for resources to prepare for or respond to a climate-related disaster, please visit our Disaster Planning and Response page.

Climate and Sustainability Committee

The AASLH Climate and Sustainability Affinity Community is led by the following committee:

Kathy Garrett-Cox, Chair (2024-2026)
Maymont Foundation, Richmond, VA
[email protected]

Alison Bruesehoff (2024-2026)
Rancho Los Cerritos, Long Beach, CA
[email protected]

Stephanie Capaldo (2024-2026)
Boise State University, Boise, ID
[email protected]

Marian Carpenter (2024-2026)
National Trust for Historic Preservation, Fishers, IN
[email protected]

Michelle Fitzgerald (2025-2027)
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
[email protected]

David Janssen (2025-2027)
Brucemore, Cedar Rapids, IA
[email protected]

Micah Huyser (2024-2026)
Nebraska Prairie Museum, Holdrege, NE
[email protected]

Leo Landis (2024-2026)
State Historical Museum of Iowa, Des Moines, IA
[email protected]

Rachel Lorentzen (2025-2027)
Lorentzen Consulting, Newport, RI
[email protected]

Anandi Premlall (2025-2027)
Longue Vue, New Orleans, LA
[email protected]

Debra Reid (2024-2026)
The Henry Ford, Dearborn, MI
[email protected]

Kimberly Robinson (2024-2026)
National Park Service, Herndon, VA
[email protected]

Rodney Rowland (2025-2027)
Strawbery Banke, Portsmouth, NH
[email protected]

Danielle Sakowski
Environment and Culture Partners (2024-2026)
[email protected]

Christie Weininger (2024-2026)
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library and Museums, Fremont, OH
[email protected]

AASLH Staff Contact
Eric Morse, Senior Manager, Marketing and Member Strategy
[email protected]

Join the AASLH Climate and Sustainability Community Google Group to ask questions and share resources about climate, sustainability, and history organizations with your colleagues around the nation. Once you access the Google Group, click the Ask to Join Group button to participate in the conversation.

You can create a Google account with an email that is not Gmail. See these instructions and scroll down to “Can I use an existing email address?”

Use the resources below to create programming, improve your site’s sustainability, and more. If you are looking for resources to prepare for or respond to a climate-related disaster, please visit our Disaster Planning and Response page.

Communicating About Climate and Sustainability

Climate Literacy: Essential Principles for Understanding and Addressing Climate Change from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a helpful resource for educators and communicators to increase climate literacy.


In the Eye of the Storm: A People’s Guide to Transforming Crisis and Advancing Equity in the Disaster Continuum: This publication from the NAACP addresses equity in various aspects of emergency preparation and response in the context of climate and environmental justice.

Public Engagement

Seeding Action from the Association of Science and Technology Centers catalyzes and supports science centers, museums, and public engagement networks as they cultivate a culture of hope and action to improve community and planetary health.


Sustainability Tools in Cultural Heritage (STiCH) is a life cycle assessment carbon calculator and library of case studies and information sheets developed to help cultural heritage professionals make educated, sustainable choices to lower the environmental impact of their work.

Updated October 10, 2024